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The Score so far

Summary of Catch Returns 2021 to 15 June

286 Returns were submitted by 44 Members of whom 17 submitted only 1 or 2; over half the Returns submitted by only 9 members.

Of the 472 fish caught, 294 were returned; 47 were Browns (only one was taken); Grayling were out of season so not counted.

Rod Average overall was 1.65 and just over a quarter of Returns were Blanks.

Top beat was Trottenden with Rod Ave 2.17 and only 17% Blanks.

Share Farm, Stonebridge and Harper’s (both) were each about one third blanks, with 1.3 to 1.75 Rod Ave.

Beats 4,5,6,7 had only a couple of Returns between them, but on the Reservoir, Rod Ave was 1.5 and a quarter were Blanks.

This is all extremely useful data, but it would be much more useful if we had a lot more.

It’s quite likely that when members visit more than one beat, they don’t submit Returns for those beats where they blanked. Perfectly understandable, but it does mean that those beats are less likely to be well-stocked if few members are known to be fishing them, or if there are seen to be very few blanks there. On the other hand, if lots of fish are caught but not declared on the Returns, then stocking could be reduced or delayed on the assumption that stocks are still high.

I’m sure this is all obvious to everyone, and yes, it is a pain to fill in the form several times after each trip, but it really is an investment to get the river stocked optimally. It’s also a good way to let others know what nymphs or dries are most effective, and we will publish some of that info periodically. Finally, you can be sure that the committee will see your comments and take notice, where they can, so don’t be afraid to give us your opinions. You can also email us direct on of course. Thanks


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