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Caution! River Works.


Apologies for the short notice, but we've just been advised that SERT, the South East Rivers Trust, will be doing some remedial work on the Fish Refuge that was constructed in 2023, a short way above the Outfall pool on Beat 3B.

If you've wandered up that way, you'll know that the Refuge hasn't quite worked out as SERT had planned, and it quite quickly became silted up. They've been scratching their heads and think they now know how to fix it.

That will involve the SERT people, and some club members, digging it out (by hand) on Monday 3rd March, and will doubtless result in some silt getting into the flow, just as the river (and the weather) is settling down. If you want to join in the effort, please contact Nigel ASAP.

In addition to that, SERT are hoping to fell a dozen or more trees into the river along Beat 3B and possibly the upper part of 3C, and that work will take place from 3rd to the 7th March, so a bit more disruption I'm afraid, but all in the best interests of the river, the habitat, and the fish, and ultimately, us.

Probably a good time to explore Beat 3a if you want to make the most of the last fortnight of Winter Fishing, or 3C further downstream. You could just come and watch the fun of course, keeping at a safe distance.

Either way, I hope you can make the most of the extended dry spell of weather (at last!) and the aroma of wild garlic ushering in the first signs of Spring.





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