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A new opening


I know; you wait weeks for a new blog item, then two come along at once.

If you're familiar with the reservoir, you may spot that the view of the casting spot on the near end (closest to the farm) looks a bit odd. You're not supposed to be able to see the line of conifers along the far side of the paddock.

Well, now you can, because a small but perfectly-formed work-party launched a slash-and-burn assault on the back-cast area yesterday, and transformed it to ash and stubble. You can now cast to those precocious trout that kept rising in that area, knowing they were safe.

The team led by Nigel, involved me, Ian, Paul, John, Andy W, Andrew C, and yet another Andrew who turned up innocently hoping to fish, but was roped in to help drag the felled trees to the bomfire. It was hard work for a very extended morning, but we got it finished eventually, and the resereoir is now more fishable than it's been for years, and it looks pretty good too. Do tread carefully though, as some of the daffodils are already peeking through on the edge of the path, so please avoid treading on them, as the owners went to a lot of trouble planting them.

Don't forget to put in a Return each time you fish there, even if you don't catch anything, and that applies throughout the year. We'd also like to hear about any Grayling catches through the Winter season, but otherwise, Returns are not required for Winter fishing.





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